القائمة الرئيسية


 Fun and Engaging English Activities for Kids:

Learning English can be a blast for children! Here are some ideas for activities that will keep them interested and help them develop their English skills:

Creative Activities:

 Storytelling: Read a story together in English, then have your child create their own ending or act it out. You can also make up silly stories together, one sentence at a time.

 Arts and Crafts: Make flashcard puppets of animals or objects and use them to create mini-plays in English. Decorate a box and turn it into a "feelings box" where they can draw pictures or write words to express their emotions.

 Singing and Dancing: Sing along to catchy English songs! Many children's songs have simple lyrics and repetitive vocabulary, making them perfect for language learning. There are also many action songs that get kids moving and following instructions. 

Active Games*

 Charades: Act out words or phrases related to a certain theme (animals, food, colors) and have your child guess the word in English. 

 Simon Says: Play "Simon Says" with English instructions. This is a great way to practice listening and following directions. 

 Bingo: Make bingo cards with English words or pictures on them. Call out words and have your child mark them off. The first one to get a full row or card wins! 

Learning Through Play:*

 Matching Games: Make flashcards with pictures and words on them, or use pre-made ones. Have your child match the pictures to the words. You can find matching games online or create your own with simple materials.

 I Spy: Play "I Spy" in English! Take turns describing something in the room using simple phrases like "I spy with my little eye something that is red." The other person has to guess what it is.

 Coloring Pages: Coloring pages with English words or pictures can be a fun way to learn new vocabulary. You can find many coloring pages online for free.

Additional Tips:*

 Make it interactive: Get down on your child's level and participate in the activities with them. 

 Keep it short and sweet: Start with short activities and gradually increase the time as your child's attention span grows.

Use positive reinforcement: Praise your child's efforts and celebrate their progress.

 Connect learning to their interests: If your child loves dinosaurs, find English learning materials related to dinosaurs. 

 Make it a family affair: Encourage other family members to speak simple English phrases around the child.

Activity book for kids pdf  

Activity book for kids pdf 

حمل اقوى بوكليت لغة انجليزية لمرحلة التمهيدي و الصف الأول الابتدائي  بوكليت اللغة الإنجليزية هو عبارة عن تمارين مكثفة و تدريجية على الحروف الإنجليزية و الكلمات الإنجليزية المقررة على المرحلة التمهيدية و أيضًا الصف الأول الابتدائي كما تحتوي المذكرة على تدريبات على الارقام الإنجليزية من ١ إلى ٢٠ بالحساب و بالحروف (لفظيًا و حسابيًا) و ما بين تدريبات اكمل الحرف الناقص لتكون كلمة صحيحة و تتبع النقط لتكتب الكلمة او وصل الحرف ال capital  بال  small  و لون و ضع دائرة حول الحرف الصحيح و تدريبات كتابة ،تجد ان بوكليت اللغة الإنجليزية من أروع ورق العمل لمتابعة الأطفال هنا

Activity book for kids pdf 

Activity book for kids pdf 

Activity book for kids pdf 

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Activity book for kids pdf 

Activity book for kids pdf 

Activity book for kids pdf 

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Activity book for kids pdf 

Activity book for kids pdf 

شيت أنشطة وتدريبات لتمكين الحروف الإنجليزية، الشيت هو عبارة عن تدريب كتابة باستراتيجية التنقيط وتدريب آخر لكتابة الحرف الناقص في كلمات تبدأ بالحرف، الكلمات معها صورة تعبر عنها لتعزيز مفردات الكلمات الإنجليزية عند الطفل 

Activity book for kids pdf 

لتحميل كتاب أنشطة الكلمات الإنجليزية 

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